Tiger Chinese Horoscope 2016

Prospects for the Tiger in 2016

Tiger wants to be active and occupied, and the busy nature of the Horse Year (31 January 2014–18 February 2016) will suit him well. This is a generally encouraging time and a lot can happen in the closing months.

As Tiger sets about his activities, he will find opportunities arising quickly. In his work, developments can lead him to assume additional responsibilities, with scope for an increased role should he wish. Some tigers may be tempted by a position elsewhere, while those seeking work could find an opportunity or training scheme that could be in an important bearing on their future. September and late November could see considerable activity work-wise.

Tiger is famous for his generous streak and would be well advised to make early provision for increased spending during the later months of the year. Some tigers could also enjoy some money luck at this time, perhaps by way of a bonus or extra payment.

Socially and domestically, the Tiger will be placed in demand, and if possible, he should aim to spread out his commitments rather than have a lot concentrated in a short space of time. September, December and the New Year will be harried, and for tigers enjoying romance, this can add sparkle to the year’s end.
The year of the goat starts on 19 February and the Tiger will have definite hopes for it. Enterprising, resourceful and with ideas aplenty, he will think that this is a year for decisive action. He will fare reasonably well, but goat years are fickle and during them the best-laid plans may not always work in the manner intended. In 2016, Tiger will be under an obligation to keep his wits about him.

One positive aspect of the Goat year is just a time for ideas, creativity and fresh approaches, and here the Tiger is in his element. For his work in particular, when changes are submitted, new ways are needed or problems occur, he will often have suggestions to make or find his experience helping in some way. As a result, he will be given the opportunity to make headway this year, including through promotion or the offer of a better position elsewhere. However, while the aspects are encouraging, the Tiger will have to be disciplined and focused. Sometimes his initial enthusiasm can wane and he can get distracted by other matters. Should he relax his efforts this year or spread his attention too widely (always a risk in goat years)? Problems could loom. Tigers, take note.

In addition to the Tiger should pay careful attention to his relations with colleagues. This includes consulting them regularly about current advances and knowing their points of view. The greater the Tiger’s contribution this year, the more support he will enjoy and the more that will be a possibility that his.

For Tigers who are seeking work or a change, the Goat year has noble possibilities in store. In addition to track vacancies in the type of work he favours, the Tiger could find it helpful to examine additional ways in which he could use his skills. His thinking could open up opportunities and result in the offer of a potentially influential position. March, June, July and October could be crucial months for work matters.

Another encouraging aspect concerns the Tiger’s personal interests. With his enquiring nature and capacity for coming forward with ideas, he can derive a lot of pleasure from them this year. If something intrigues him, he should take action and check what develops. The Goat year offers the Tiger considerable scope.

In view of his commitments and plans and the likelihood of safe travel possibilities, however, he will be needed in order to manage his resources carefully. With a certain amount of discipline, he can fare well, but he should watch his general spending and avoid yielding to too many unplanned purchases, otherwise some activities planned for later in the year may have to be curtailed. Tigers, take note and keep control of your purse-strings. Also, mind your belongings safe. A loss could be upsetting.

Tiger’s home life will see much activity and there will have to be effective liaison and some quality time set aside for sharing. Otherwise general business and lack of communication could lead to misunderstandings and tension. Tiger has to be mindful of this and should try not to conduct everything at such a heady pace.

As he will frequently find himself inspired this year, he will, however, often be keen to move forward with plans for the home. Some of these could be very a matter of a noticeable difference, especially in efficiency and energy saving, but he should avoid starting too many projects all at once. Sometimes his zeal can get the better of him. Also, plans are liable to change this year and he will have to be adaptable.

Busy though the Tiger’s home life will be, it will contain numerous pleasures and the closing months of the year may well be marked by some special family news, a particular occasion or the opportunity of additional travel.

With his genial nature, the Tiger is always desirous to enjoy his social life and this will not disappoint him this year. Changes and new pursuits will introduce him to new people and he will have an interesting mix of events to get to during the year. March, April, July and August could see the most communal activity. However, while usually chary of others, the Tiger does need to take into account his friends’ views and be aware of arrangements that have been agreed upon. With so much happening, being preoccupied and not keeping his diary up to date could create problems.

For the unattached Tiger, however, there is the prospect of meaningful romance. Quite a few Tigers will meet their future partner in the goat year.

Overall, the year is filled with possibility for the Tiger, and his inventiveness, drive and enthusiasm will enable him to do a great deal. In view of the volatility of the year, he takes into consideration to be taken into account the prevailing conditions and the views of others rather than proceed regardless. However, with awareness and flexibility, he will find his efforts rewarding him well. A full and satisfying year.