Scorpio April Horoscope 2016

Eclipses are cosmic announcements that change is imminent. They are like giant billboards in the sky, telling you to get ready. The lunar eclipse of the 4th is nothing sharp.

Many, many changes are happening now. On the 8th, Jupiter, your financial planet, starts going forward for the first time this year. On the 20th, the planetary power shifts to the upper half of your horoscope, signalling a psychological shift for you. You are getting ready for your major career push for the year. Time to let go (temporarily) of home and domestic concerns and focus on your outer goals. If you do right, you will feel healthy. Serve your family for succeeding in the world.

Also on the 20th you enter a yearly love and social peak.

The lunar eclipse of the 4th is a tricky one. Countless planets besides the moon are affected. Thus, various areas of life are affected. You should cut schedule during this period. The eclipse is held in your 12th house of spirituality, indicating dramatic changes in your spiritual life – your practice, your attitudes, the teachings that you follow. There are shake-ups in spirit, religious or charitable organizations that you are engaged with. Often there are dramas in the lives of gurus or mentors – the spirit people in your life. Every lunar eclipse activates the dream life, but this one more so than usual. However, it’s not advisable to pay too much attention to your dreams during this period, as much of what is happening is flotsam and jetsam stirred up by the eclipse.

Career changes happen as well and these seem positive. However, the circumstances that bring them about can be melodramatic. Generally there are shake-ups in the corporate hierarchy, or your industry or profession. Policies can change dramatically. The government agency that regulates your industry or profession can contribute to their rules. There can be life-changing dramas in the lives of bosses, elders, parents or parent figures. Uranus, your home and family planet, take part in this eclipse, so there are dramas in the lives of family members. Flaws in the home are revealed and you must make such corrections. Passions run high in the family. You have had a tense relationship with certain family members for some time and things flare up again.

In your chart the eclipsed planet, the Moon, is ruler of your 9th house. Foreign travel is not advisable at this time. College students can change institutions or courses or create further changes to their educational plans. If you are associated with legal issues, they move forward now – one way or another – and you are required to spend time on these things.

Best Days Overall: 6, 7, 15, 16, 23, 24
Most Stressful Days Overall: 13, 14, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27
Best Days for Love: 1, 2, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22
Best Days for Money: 8, 9, 17, 18, 25, 26
Best Days for Career: 8, 9, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28

Scorpio  Horoscope  2016