Leo 2016 Horoscope

Personal and Social Life in 2016:

You have a well-balanced year ahead, Leo, with plenty of passionate Fire, sensitive Water, practical Earth, and diplomatic Air energies at your fingertips.

Neptune will offer you illusions and comfortable escapes in February. Uranus will surprise and energize you in April. Mercury and Mars will tug at your heartstrings and family in July. Venus will make daily life more pleasant and comfortable than ever in September. What a year!

Jupiter spends the first half of 2016 in your sign, Leo, bringing good luck and abundance, but also the temptation to enjoy the good things in life in excess. Try to use moderation in all things, especially eating, spending, and socializing, and simply share the wealth.

Jupiter is retrograde until April 8, so be aware of maintaining or improving your personal integrity.

Energy might sag and minor health concerns could become a concern in November, when the Sun (the ruler of Leo) encounters Saturn. Balance and good sense can fix all. Take good care of yourself and enjoy each day to its fullest!

Leo 2016 Horoscope