Personal and Social Life in 2016:
2016 is a year of great luck and abundance, Virgo. There will also be strong feelings, opinions, and a great drive to succeed. It may be hard to think straight all the time amidst so much activity and bustling daily life, but you'll do your best.
Expect opportunities and congenial people around you from January 1, as your ruling planet Mercury is in Capricorn along with the Sun, Venus, and Pluto. Capricorn is an Earth Sign and very compatible with you, Virgo.
Jupiter enters Virgo on August 11. From then on, amplified good luck and prosperity should blossom. Friends and family (particularly siblings) may be extra generous. It's a year to bring each other many happy times.
Enhanced creativity, good times with groups of people (especially large gatherings), and a trip or two are all smiled upon this year. Be healthy, active, eat and rest well, because it's a busy year!