Scorpio Self-improvement Horoscope 2016

We discussed Saturn’s move into your money house earlier. Extra financial responsibilities will come. The tendency (a very human kind of thing) is to try to avoid and evade them. But this is not advisable this year. Face them. Confront them. Accept them. Especially if you know in your heart that the responsibilities are real. They may seem huge. More than you can handle. Nonetheless, as you accept them, help will come. You will discover that you have the authority to deal with these things. Saturn gives you the challenge and also the power to deal with it. Things are not the way you imagined them to be. There is a spiritual growth that happens when you co-operate with Saturn and you don’t want to miss this.

This ceases to be a year to play games with the government. You need their favour in your financial life.

When your financial planet moves into your 11th House on August 11, you will learn that wealth is more than just physical, tangible things. Those are part of the story. Wealth of friendships is also wealth. Who you are aware perhaps just as important as how much you actually have.

Children and children figures in your life are under very intense psychic energies these days. This has been going on since 2012. They respond more effectively, more easily hurt. Watch your voice tone when speak to them. Their physical bodies are becoming more refined as well – and this is a long-term trend. They should avoid alcohol and drugs these days as they can react badly to them. They will have dreams and have a look vision. They will be all kinds of supernatural-type experiences. If they talk to you, don’t deny these things. Just listen without judgement. They are more attuned to invisible energies these days. School work could suffer because of this. The mundane world seems uninteresting and unimportant to them. So, they will have to be done harder in school for the next few years.